- Teach people their brain can change and don't praise natural talent
- Develop by: praise effort, seek different strategies, encourage learning over comparison against others, praise those who seek feedback. encourage persistence, encourage courage and curiosity, maintain high standards.
Adopting external focus of attention increases sprint performance in low-skilled sprinters, by Porter et al 2015
- Focus on movement effects rather than body parts, significant increase in running speed
- Verbal instruction important part of training environment
- Structure verbal instruction to focus on outcome of movement rather than the movement itself
John Buchanan on alloutcricket.com
- Coach must understand self inside out
- Never compromise on a principle - provide consistency
- Essence of coaching is in relationships
Awesomeness of getting feedback on feedback, on talentequation
- Don't overdo it with feedback, especially with new players
- Pick your moment for quick, specific, 1-2-1 feedback
- Allow space for implicit learning
Gregor Townsend: Years of Learning, on The Scotsman
- Failure is an integral part of success
- Trust and effort crucial
- Winning is about improvement
Creating a Culture of Excellence, by Terry Condon
- To fix problems: i) Acknowledge there is one; ii) find a way to better understand it
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them" - Einstein
- FOUR PILLARS OF PERFORMANCE essential for motivation and engagement of people, will increase productivity, performance, resilience and retention
1. AUTONOMY = freedom and flexibility to carve own path
2. MASTERY = transparent environment that rewards personal and professional excellence
3. PURPOSE = adds meaning to their life
4. PLAY = alongside peers and have fun
- John Wooden: Use sport to promote values in people that lead to success in any realm. Recognise and reward expression of these values ABOVE ALL ELSE. Wait for success to show up.
- Wooden trained athletes for life THROUGH basketball, not basketball FOR life.
- The person is more important than their results
- Must separate winning from wellbeing
Excel in youth sport kids need couch time, on theconversation
- young athlete with the 'best' of everything fails to develop most important skill = the ability to thrive when challenged = perseverance and resilience
- Individuals that are challenged and supported thrive at high level
Leadership Game Plan from Coach K on inc.com
- Cultivate ownership mentality (team create and drive standards)
- Embrace team's feelings. UNDERSTAND, APPRECIATE, TRUST
- Never stop innovating
35 Secrets of Brilliant Coaches, on huffpost
- Cherish the person over the athlete
- Respect and communication
- Obsess with fundamentals
- Always move forward
- Separate learning from practice
Constraints-led Coaching - Why?, on tdgolfcoach.com
- Constraint = boundary encouraging learning to emerge with certain behaviours
- Constraint can be on the task, performer or environmental
- Learn by doing rather than being told
Southampton Way: Potential into Excellence, on YouTube
- Clear progression pathway from Academy to 1st Team
- The progression pathway is evident in all aspects from changing rooms to pitches etc.