- Over a season, potentially 126 warm-ups which provide chances to learn. Be creative, don't miss opportunities. Set the tone.
- Compares it to a Bond film = first 3 mins end one story and start the next, loads of adventure to hook you right away - get active quickly!
- Session must be purposeful with designed outcomes
- People are a product of their environment. Discover, Develop, Consolidate. Enable players to be fearless.
Perception-Action Podcast 21D - interview with Noel Rousseau
- Explicit intervention leads to cognitive loading and change of attention so many golfers will reach overload. Circumvent that by not giving them time to think.
- What makes an intervention work? Could be temporal eg. Time golfers can stand over the ball before swing.
- Common thinking was 'don't think about technique under pressure' and many golf psychologists saying the same. Research by Noel found different, some people react favourably and some worse.
- Recent experiments on the individual to measure Working Memory Capacity and their propensity to be visually or virtually oriented. People with increased WMC better with coaching intervention. Key is understanding individual difference.
- No one right way but important to be aware of trends
- Load minds as little as possible, be explicit only when need to be.
- ANALOGIES = provides lots of info that they are already aware of to help understand what is expected from them in a movement.
- Look to rhythmic and whole movement cues - bigger movements and less detail.
- Consider the Key Movement Effector : what will make the biggest difference?
Perception-Action Podcast 27C - Effects of Mental Fatigue on Attention and Decision-Making
- Perceptual and attentional demans are mentally demanding. The need to constantly stay focused, shift gaze and detect subtle changes in opposition movement leads to fatigue.
- Physical and Mental fatigue. Interesting part of research found gaze behaviour didnt change during game, so why did performance decrease later on? 1. Limited supply of mental energy, therefore still focused but less effective? or 2. Motivation decreases and attention is drawn elsewhere.
Freakonomics Podcast - What are gender barriers made of?
- Megan Sumner: perception of listener depends on how and what is said ie. class, geography, gender. Gendered listening starts by age 4.
- Iris Bonet: Interviews are generally useless and do a bad job of predicting future performance. Some useful information, but tough to sift through and separate valuable from less valuable. There is a need to change how we listen - eg. Women penalised for being assertive, men are rewarded.
Need to redesign how we hire and assess people. Try to measure which questions do a good job of predicting future performance and use them in same order with all candidates. Ensure that looking at results you are blind to the candidate and demographic.
Do away with Self-Evaluation: if people differ in self-confidence then different self-appraisal, influencing how a manager appraises them and their colleagues. Consistent gaps between men, women, cultures etc in how they self-evaluate.
- Devise solutions that factor in your biases. Don't rely on people making good decisions, design a system so success isn't relying on every decision being good so that it is crippled by everything that could go wrong.
Hidden Brain Podcast - Google at Work
- How do you find talent that isn't looking to be found?
- Google looks for 'Emergent Leadership' - when individuals see a problem they step in to make it better.
- Project Aristotle studied what makes teams effective. Underlying factor was found to be PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY. Those who normally stand back feel ok to come forward. Teams with higher PS outperform teams with lower PS. Higher PS also found to benefit greatly from diversity.
Rugby Coach's Corner Podcast 22 - interview with Graeme Moffat
- Find the right balance and start with the end result first. So reverse the process of scoring a try - 1v1 skills and scoring, trace back to line breaks and scoring from them, back to phase play and set pieces etc.
Rugby Coach's Corner Podcast 16 - interview with Dave Walder
- "Don't be afraid of silence"