Chapter on Miguel Rios which inspired my meeting with him documented here in Coaching Conversations #8
- Miguel Rios talking about a coach "It's all so vocal. He should be positive, let the game develop"
- MR on Barcelona and their focus on ability, not age. The importance of physical literacy: coordination, balance etc
- MR "ideas met with resistance because coaches are wedded to winning"
- Hosting workshops with parents to help understand the process and how to help the kids
- "objective is to not make boys feel like they're under pressure every time they are on the pitch"
Challenge Point...., by Guadagnoli and Lee (2004) in Journal of Motor Behaviour
- Skill improvement traditionally linked to the amount of practice
- Limited opportunity for practice and potentially small gains in expertise increase importance of maximising the benefit of training
- Challenge Point Framework = learning is intimately related to the information available and interpretable in a performance instance which, in turn, depends on functional difficulty of task
- Nominal Task Difficulty (NTD) : perceptual and motor requirements
Functional Task Difficulty (FTD) : how challenging the task is relative to skill level of the individual performing it
- Task with given level of task difficulty, the individual of any skill level is likely to perform at predictable level..
therefore an increase in NTD comes expectation that performance decreases and rate of decline in performance more rapid for lower skilled individual.
- Information comes from action plans (expectation of success) and feedback
eg. For an easy task with high expectation of success, feedback from success provides very little information
eg. For a tougher task with less assured action plan (decreased expectation of success) means feedback provides information regardless of success or not
- Practice leads to redundancy - more practices leads to better expectations so less information to process
- As FTD increases, so too does potential available information (learning)
- Increased FTD = more information generated in performance of task, therefore increased potential learning benefit BUT only to a point. After that point, too much information to be processed and used effectively (amount of information exceeds the individual's capability to process efficiently)
- Increased FTD as performer ability also increases maintains optimal Challenge Point for performer
- CONTEXTUAL INTERFERENCE. Block practice increases performance but Random practice increases retention.
Individuals with differing skill levels: low levels of CI better for beginner skill level, higher CI better for highly skilled individuals
Darren Roberts Q+A, on PropelPerform
- athletes are athletes and people are people = it's the environment and paradigm which drive differences
- 4 key things to improve:
1. ENVIRONMENT - go somewhere with people who are better
2. EMBRACE CHAOS - Decision making, unpredictability and anxiety like in competition
3. BE STRONG - be robust, fix other stuff along the way
4. CIRCUS TRAINING - right way to challenge
- Injuries = NOT rehab, just a different training phase = focus the athlete on what they CAN do, not what the injury prevents them from doing
The Gentleman's Game - Dan Cater, on
"After the game is over, all we'll have are these memories that we share"
Living and Learning with NZ Rugby Winners, on Irish Examiner
- key thing of the Crusaders is CULTURE
- Culture is "first competitior". It is also one of the few things that is 100% under your own control and within budget
- The players are charged with growing and enriching the culture, they must own it. To help this they held Culture Sessions: greeting everyone, integrating new members etc.
- Focus on togetherness. eg Management take part in fitness
- The importance of Story Telling: pick something from history that is relative to the situation. Helps provide a theme for the season that players can identify to (capture hearts and minds). Can also have training activities that tie in to it.
- Peer led coaching : help your teammate with weaknesses
- Feedback from players is discussed, challenged and if it is to be integrated then player presents to the group
- New skills = LEARNING PHASE: Passionate mistakes and Ordinary mistakes.
- Training is harder than competition
The Antifragile Athlete, by Martin Bingisser on hmmrmedia
- Antifragile based on Nassim Taleb's book "Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder"
1. VARIATION: need stress from variation to improve. Poison in small doses develops immunity
2. BACK TO BASICS: don't add on in order to fix. Flexibility = antifragile
4. TIME IS THE BEST JUDGE: basics not fads
5. IGNORE THE NOISE: don't always respond/interrupt