- Team sports could do with more mentors and fewer touchline tyrants
- Standard assumption in sport that solution to under-performance is to focus on effort. Professional athletes as often try too hard as too little
- Best way to enhance team is, nearly always, to raise performance of individual players. Skill is the ultimate currency.
The X Factor, by James Counsilman, on foxsportspulse
- The Coaching X Factor is ability to see what needs to be done and doing it: cut through all the detail and get to the heart of the matter
- Great coach must have two basic abilities - good organizer and good psychologist
Pete Carroll Embraces Everybody, on Seahawks.com
- Let players experess themselves - "helping players be the best they can be"
- Not to do with sports, more parenting, mentoring and coaching.
- Person has much greater chance of reaching true potential if true to who they are
- Pete Carroll very demanding, but DEMANDING AND SUPPORTIVE
The Psychology of Success: Strategies for Coping on the Big Occasion, on connectedcoaches
- Everyone has psychological breaking point
- Simulating pressurised situations and discussing scenarios that may trigger fight or flight response is critical
- Learn to expect natural bodily response and devise routine to stay calm
- Champions don't raise game in defining moments, they maintain it
- High threat situations sees perceived challenge increase through negative self talk and lack of self belief
No Pressure, No Diamonds: GRIT, on medium
1. No pressure, no diamons
2. Grit composed of willpower, mindset and passion
3. Someone always chasing you
4. Be your best when it matters most
5. Creative Grit - reframe exhaustion as a positive
6. This is Water - gap between thought and emotion, replace with positive thought
7. Fear is your constant companion
TED Radio Hour Podcast: The Money Paradox, on NPR
- Dan Pink talks about Candle Problem by Sam Glucksberg - incentives. With the first group they set norms, second group had financial incentive to be faster BUT they ended up taking longer
- Financial incentive dulls thinking and inhibits creativity: not aberration, constantly the same results appear. The "If-Then" Incentives either don't work or do harm
- "If-Then" Incentives gets attention and is easy to organise, but money narrows focus
- Approach better if based on intrinsic motivation:
- "If-Then" have been effective but less so nowadays
3 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Teach Team Resilience, on fastcompany
- Resilience "process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress" - American Psychological Association
- 1. BE AN ALLY, NOT A CRITIC. Social support essential to buffer their collective stress
The Semmelweis Reflex
= "reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs or paradigms
7 Ways To Embrace Pressure, by John Haime, on playerdevelopmentproject.com
1. Close gap between practice and play. Targets and goals in training.
2. Thinking ahead to what you can't control creates fear
3. Align expectations with ability right now
4. Build confidence proactively
5. Stick to the plan
6. Enjoy environment and activity around you
7. Remember why you play