- Chip Kelly: Coaching is one thing and one thing only - creating an environment that provides players with the opportunity to be successful
Efficient use of time by Chip Kelly, on fishduck.com
- Focus as a squad on what do we stand for? In attack and defence.
- Identify what you want to be and ensure it is visible in everything you do
- In training, prepare against the vision of what you want to be
- As a coach your knowledge is sometimes irrelevant, matters most what the players know. As a result a coach must communicate in a way that allows players to execute
- Use any players who are off-task to coach and analyse their teammates
- No such thing as "half-speed". You either go at TEACHING SPEED or GAME SPEED
Sports Psych: Role of Momentum in Sports Performance, on pponline.co.uk
- In sport, psychological momentum defined as "bi-directional concept, affecting either probability of winning or probability of losing as a function of the preceding event".
- Reversing momentum: what did we do well before the momentum swing? Can we get back to it? Or has the opposition solved the problems we posed and should we change game plan?
- Reversing momentum: key is players identifying the problem and working out how to fix it
- Stay focused on the moment, maintain positive body language, maintain high intensity/effort
A qualitative exploration of the psychological contents and dynamics of momentum in sport by Briki, Hartigh, Hauw and Genigon (2012)
- Psychological momentum found to develop through processes of amplification that sometimes decreases efforts if win/loss seems inevitable
How psychological and behavioural team states change during positive and negative momentum, by Hartigh, Genigon, Van Yperen, Marin and Van Geert (2014)
- Research not provided insight into HOW psychological and behavioural states actually change during positive and negative momentum
- Negative psychological changes during negative momentum STRONGER than positive in positive
- During negative momentum team effort and cohesion decreases
- Negative events have a bigger impact
- a history of progress or regress particularly played a role when behind
- losing having been close to goal (winning) has a disproportionally strong psychological impact compared to losing when never close. Therefore, almost attaining outcome makes counterfactual outcome more salient.
Psychological Momentum: Why success breeds success, by Iso-Ahola and Dotson (2014)
- Initial success critical for psychological momentum and has three types of effect: intensity, frequency and duration
- PERCEPTION of self and opponent at centre of Psychological Momentum
Understanding motivation to enhance quality of coaching, by Mallett
- Extrinsic motivation can be split to: Non Self-Determined (coercion and obligation) and Self-Determined (acceptance and valuing)
1. Provide choice within reason
2. Provide reasons for task
3. Demonstrate respect for feeling and perspective
4. Allow athletes to work independently and help problem-solve
5. Provide competence feedback that contributes to positive behaviour change
6. Avoid control behaviour such as coercion and bullying
Creative beards YouTube: 4 Insights into Coaching
1. ORGANISATION: gives athletes structure to work with. Agree/Declare/Query - what is expected?
2. ENCOURAGEMENT: positive coaching is made up of tangible, honest compliments
3. PERSONAL COACHING: recognise all athletes
4. TRANSFER OF RESPONSIBILITY: less instruction and have open questions. Reward the choices they make.
Ten Years On - Where's Coaching At? on sportnz.org.nz
- LEARNING (not qualification) helps coaches become better
- Understanding people and self-awareness is crucial
- Coaches learn better with informal instruction
- Coaching aims to figure out how and why players tick and then acting/responding accordingly
- Coaches inspire by CARING about their athletes
- Athlete-centred coaching = Enable people to learn; Enable ownership of vision and common purpose by team; take responsibility
- Self-determination theory says increased motivation is felt if feeling CONFIDENT, have AUTONOMY and SENSE OF BELONGING
- Enable success, make it fun, give athletes choice and control amid common purpose of the team will see increase in effort
- "They are creating robots in the States and UK because of standardised expectations and competencies. Coaches have to self-reflect and figure it out"
Constraints led coaching approach, on threekings.org.nz
- Constraints led coaching is to take a particular aspect and isolate it in a small sided game
- Games are better for long-term learning
Oregon Ducks coaching philosophy = NO YELLING